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From the Heart Outreach Church
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A family oriented Church, desiring to share the love of Jesus.

A family oriented Church, desiring to share the love of Jesus.


From the Heart Outreach Church est à l'adresse suivante:

2 Pemberton-Browns Mills Road

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(609) 735-0075

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Que s'est-il passé à From the Heart Outreach Church récemment? Ici vous pouvez voir les nouvelles pertinentes:


Woke up this morning thinking of how the Paths of Life are like the game of Chutes and Ladders, We start out on our path, and in life when we are obedient(do it Gods way) it is like the ladder, we move on to the next level. When we try to do it our way or are in rebellion, it is like the slides(chutes), we just keep going back over the same path over and over. Praying that your day is full of only ladders today.


Here is a thought to really think on...what if God loved and treated us the way we love and treat others.


“Later”—-tonight there was a man walking through the parking lot. I walked out and told him we would be having service and invited him in... His reply was, “Later.” I turned and started to walk away and the sad reality hit me, how many times had this man said later? Will there be a later? If you have not accepted Jesus into your heart, do it now, if you are not living the life that you know God intended for you to live, recommit your life now. There may not be a later.


For it is written, “AS I LIVE, SAYS THE LORD, EVERY KNEE SHALL BOW TO ME, AND EVERY TONGUE SHALL GIVE PRAISE TO GOD.” So then each one of us will give an account of himself to God. Therefore let us not judge one another anymore, but rather determine this—not to put an obstacle or a stumbling block in a brother’s way Romans 14:11-14


In this Parazee's perspective we going to go over God's Love and loving like God loved. Pastor Charlie preached on this topic Saturday.. He used the example of Hosea and Gomer. How God told Hosea to marry her and he thought it would be great but then as time went on things started to happen that he hadn't planned. Problems and issues started to come up. Pastor Charlie used the example of different kinds of cereal. At first their relationship and marriage was like Rice Krispes. It had a lot of snap crackle and pop. Fireworks and all. Then things started to happen. The fire went away and it became trix cereal. Gomer started to skip out and became a prostitute. Hosea was wondering what happened. Then the third type of relationship is shredded wheat. No matter what you do to it the love will always remain. Hosea's love for Gomer never went away even after all that his wife did. Gomer ended up getting auctioned into slavery but despite what she did to Hosea he bought her back and loved her for the rest of their lives. Similarly God's love never goes away for us no matter what we do. His love is unconditional. He bore our sins on the cross because he loves us so much. He teaches us to love like He does. True love never fails and so we must love like God loves. We must have that shredded wheat cereal relationship.


In this weeks version of Parazee's Perspective I'm going to talk about the future. Pastor Charlie spoke on the antidote of fearing the Future. He used Psalm 23:6 as the main text. 3 main reasons why we shouldn't fear the future 1. God is watching over you. Psalm 145:20 We don't know what the future holds but we know who holds the future. Even in bad things good will come out of it if you love God. He's got your back. Nothing to worry about. Matthew 27:46 How does God watch over believers? Psalms 91:11 says that God will command angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways. This is powerful because we have angels always protecting us from things. Psalm 8:4-5 A little on what angels do. A. Angels guard us against harm and inquiry Daniel 6 B. Angels guard us by restraining evil. 2 Kings 6 C. Angels guard us in the midst of dangerous circumstances. Acts 27 D. Angels guard us against despair and discouragement. 2. God's Grace is working in you. When we stumble and fall God's mercy and Grace will keep us going. This is something that really spoke to me. We fall short everyday with our thoughts or actions or how we might feel. Whatever the case God's mercy and Grace is there. No matter how bad we mess up which in can speak for myself is pretty bad at times, I know God will still love me and encourage me. Keep me. All I need to do is call out and trust Him. Psalm 23:6 Isaiah 60:10 God gives you what you need instead of what you deserve because we all deserve Hell. He shows us mercy and grace. 3. Heaven is waiting for me. The best is yet to come. We WIN in the end. 2 Corinthians 5:1 2 Corinthians 5:6,8 Revelations 21:4 Heaven is not made for everybody because of the choices some people have made. You need to believe in God and submit to His authority. 1 Peter 4-6. We want to have everlasting life in Heaven but in order to do that we must have a relationship with Jesus and believe that He is your Lord and Savior and the moment you surrender control and give it to God you will feel free and liberated and better because God will be the person driving your ship instead of you because your liable to crash but He will never crash.


In this edition of Parazee's Perspective, Pastor Charlie spoke on hurt in our lives and how to overcome that. We don't want to ignore our hurt or deny our hurt. We can't procrastinate about dealing with our hurt. Deal with it right then and there. Ignoring your hurt will never heal it. Psalms 39 is a great portion of scripture for this. We can't run from our hurt and try to escape it. Psalms 55 says "I wish I had wings like a dove then I'd fly away and rest. I would hurry to my place of escape" If we don't run away from our hurt we hide our hurt. We never face it or tell anybody. If we just buy material things or indulge food wise will not change the hurt. Instead talk about it and pray that you will be healed. We can't worry about our hurt. Why do we control something we have no control over. Job 5:2 says to worry to death about resentment would be a foolish thing to do. We can't resent our hurt. Bitterness is not the way to get over things. Holding grudges is not the way to get freedom of your hurt. Psalms 23:5 To get over hurt we need to let Jesus settle the score and in His time He will. Romans 12:17-19 Never pay back evil for evil. Never avenge yourselves. Leave that to God. For He has said that he will repay those who deserve it. Are you going to get revenge or are you going to get well? We need to forgive those who hurt us. We have to give God control and trust Him that He knows what he is doing. God forgave you and still forgives you. Resentment enslaves you and consumes you. Matthew 5:7 says, Blessed are the merciful for they will show mercy. We have to let Jesus sooth my wounds. The sheep will bang there heads against a rock and shepherds use oil to sooth and to heal. We beat ourselves up but God will sooth wounds and heal them. God uses fellowship and talk it out with others. God uses prayer. We need to talk it out to God. He also uses worship to heal. The next time you are in a battle put some praise and worship song on and truly worship Him. God uses ministry and if you are hurting listening to someone who is hurt is being Christ like. Healing occurs in two faces. The physical and get moving stage. Your never going to get healed until you get out and start helping people. We need to focus on God's grace and always be better each day. Sewing into the right people and let Jesus satisfy the needs we have. No person can make you completely happy or give you the love you always need but Jesus can. God will help you overflow with joy, hope, and love. #Parazeesperspective #Godisawesome #hurtisnothingforGod #TrustGod


In this edition of Parazee's Perspective we are going to talk about dreaded valleys. We all have had them. Things that we thought we never get out of or overcome. Down portions in our lives. Pastor Charlie spoke on these valleys and used Psalm 23:4 as the main scripture. Many people dwell on the bad times like it's a bad cut but even if your cut physically that will heal. The same thing with your valleys your in or go through. No one can escape them. Scripture says in Jeremiah 4:20 that they are impartial. But also that they are temporary. 1 Peter 1:6 states that you might be temporarily harassed by trials. Have you ever been through something hard? Something that is extremely difficult and challenging that you didn't think you would get through but when you did how did it make you feel. Relief and happy but it also built up character. Your character is being built every time you go through a valley. You don't learn as much when your not facing adversity but when you do then that is when you truly need to lean on God. He says He'll never leave you but you just have yo trust Him and have faith that God is there for you so who can be against you. Building your character is building you as making you stronger. So don't think of the valleys as a bad thing think of them as a good thing. Persevere and follow the path. Don't give up just cause you hit a rough spot. Learn to trust the Lord and focus on the destination not the process. We need God more when we are in a desperate situation so just lean on Him and really focus on where He guides you. Believing in Him you have the best shepherd ever to guide you so just be patient cause your break through is right around the corner. #Parazeesperspective #FTHO #FromtheHeartOutreachChuch #valleys #God #purposeful #breakthrough


We make our decisions and then our decisions make us. What are we going to choose? Pastor Charlie used the main text of Psalm 23:3 and talked about indecision and the benefits of following God. Every decision or choice we make has a consequences. James 1:8 Is their an antidote to Indecision? Yes there is as Psalm 23:3 says, " He leads us in the paths of righteousness for His name sake" It is easy to get distracted over things that don't matter. Have you ever been distracted by something that truly didn't matter in the long run? We need to be looking for the right thing. We can't be led by emotions or feelings. We need to be led by the truth which is God's Word. God's Will is not a recipe. Can't just serve up anything you want and God grants it. God is not a genie. Looking for a magical approach is not the way. There are four things we need to do to stop your indecision. 1. Admit you need a guide. Isaiah 53:6 puts this clear. "Everyone of us have strayed away like sheep! We have left God's paths to follow our own." Most of the time we don't want to follow God or anybody else. We want to go our own way. Psalm 25:9. We need to be humble in asking God for help. Can't be a know it all. 2. Ask in faith for direction. Matthew 7:7 James 1:5-7 Ask seek knock and the door shall be open. You have to ask the right person who will give you the right answer which is God and have faith that you will get an answer. Wisdom is seeing life from God's point of view. We need to make decisions and just follow Him. 3. Listen for God's response. We need to be tuned into the right station to hear God. There is a lot of outside noise but we need to block it out and focus on the Lord. We have everything we need in God. We just have to rely on Him. If your searching for God's will it's found in His Word. Sometimes we are going to go through painful situations but that is to grow us. Proverbs 20:30, sometimes it takes a painful situation to make us change our ways. 4. We need to trust God when we don't understand. We think we can do it our way but we will fail in the end if we do it without God. Sometimes God is going to lead us in paths that don't make sense but He always has a plan. If we keep on moving in faith our eyes will open up and we will feel better. Proverbs 3:5 We can't lead on our own understanding but focus on God's. Psalm 37:23 The steps of a man are established by the Lord. Since God has a custom plan for your life it's a big mistake for you to copy somebody else's life. He wants to lead you on the path. He chose for you. So who's path are we going to follow God's or Ours because if we do or it God's way will go towards immortality. #Parazeesperspective #FromtheHeartOutreach #grow #dontbeindecisive #righteousness


You are everything God says you are... Redeemed Worth it Overcomer An heir to the Kingdom The Apple of His eye Forgiven Worthy Priceless A Friend of God He formed you in your mother's womb Thought of and Loved 💕


Psalm 139:23-24(NIV) Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting


Psalm 139:13-16 New International Version (NIV) 13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. 14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. 15 My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. 16 Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.


Matthew 11:28-30 28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light


What Amazing things is God doing in your life? Come out tonight to Worship and Testimony night and share what God is doing, with others. Be an encourager.


On this installment of Parazee’s Perspective, we’re going to discuss determination. What gets you determined to get up everyday? What are you wanting to do, but find it hard to do because of determination? In life we have a lot that goes on in our life, but we have to find the determination to do things that will enhance our life. Pastor Charlie preached about this topic on Saturday and how determination is key in our walk with the Lord. When the going gets the tough, the tough seek the Lord. Why though, we seek the Lord because 1 John 4:4 says that the greater is He than is He is in the World. He can do everything and help you with everything so we must lean on Him to help us through. We need to keep going and have faith that we will get through the hard times. Luke 10:19 says the the Lord has given us everything we need to trample snakes and overcome Satan so lets tap into that promise and overcome all things. We need to believe and have faith we are more than conquerors. Here is a news flash, we aren’t the only ones going through things. Everybody goes through things the difference is we must be determined. Christians have a source to go to through prayer in the tough times. We must be determined in all things. Christ was determined through all things He went through and we must do the same thing. Whenever you’re going through a tough time trust and believe the Lord can get you through and be determined that you will get through. Never give up and lose sight of the goals that you have for yourself. Join us next week at church starting Saturday at 6:00pm. Would love to see you. #Parazeeperspective. #determination


This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24


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Restaurants proche

Vérifiez également ce Restaurants à proximité:

Rita's Italian Ice
21 Juliustown Rd, Browns Mills
The Country Lakes Pub
558 Lakehurst Rd, Browns Mills
348 Lakehurst Rd, Browns Mills
Dairy Queen
Browns Mills Shopping Center 100 Pemberton Browns Mills Rd Unit A, Browns Mills
Fast Food
Brothers Dinner 1
127 Trenton Rd, Browns Mills
Grissel's Spanish and Soul Food
100 Pemberton Browns Mill Rd, Browns Mills
Européen, Espanol
China King
519 Lakehurst Rd, Browns Mills
Asiatique, Chinois
Shogun Wok
22 Julistown, Browns Mills
Asiatique, Chinois, Japonais
Lakeside Cafe
41 Trenton Rd, Browns Mills
Fast Food
Jahmins caribbean cuisine
519 lakehurst road, Browns Mills
K & M Ice Cream
558 Lakehurst Rd, Browns Mills
Fast Food
Alba Pizza
18 Broadway Ste H, Browns Mills
Nourriture de confort, Fast Food, Pizza
Nu Soul Cafe'
100 Pembertpn-Browns Mills Rd., Browns Mills
7 Juliustown Road, Browns Mills
122 Juliustown Rd, Browns Mills
Bo Bo Garden Kitchen
558 Lakehurst Rd, Browns Mills
Asiatique, Chinois, Style de famille
No 1 Chinese Restaurant
7 Juliustown Rd, Browns Mills
Asiatique, Chinois
Domino's Pizza
100 Lakehurst Rd, Browns Mills
Nourriture de confort, Pizza
Sopranos Pizza
519 Lakehurst Rd Unit B, Browns Mills
Nourriture de confort, Européen, Italien, Pizza
Best Buffet
18 Broadway, Browns Mills
Asiatique, Buffet, Chinois
118 Trenton Rd, Browns Mills
Asiatique, Burger, Fast Food
Burger King
102 Juliustown Rd, Browns Mills
Asiatique, Burger, Fast Food
Lavilla Pizza
100 Pemberton Browns Mill Rd, Browns Mills
Nourriture de confort, Pizza
Lim Fong's Delight
22 Juliustown Rd, Browns Mills
Asiatique, Chinois
Supermich II
7 Juliustown Rd, Browns Mills
Latino-américain, Mexicain
Hôtels proche

Vérifiez également ce Hôtels à proximité:

Flying W Airport & Resort
60 Fostertown Rd, Medford
Tupper Manor at the Wylie Inn and Conference Center
295 Hale St, Beverly
Aloft Mount Laurel
558 Fellowship Rd, Mount Laurel
Hyatt Place Mt. Laurel
8000 Crawford Pl, Mount Laurel
Staybridge Suites Philadelphia-Mt. Laurel
4115 Church Road, Mount Laurel
HYATT house Mt. Laurel
3000 Crawford Pl, Mount Laurel
AC Hotels by Marriott Boston North
95 Station Lndg, Medford
CoCo Key Water Resort at The Hotel ML
915 Nj-73, Mount Laurel
Westin Mount Laurel
555 Fellowship Rd, Mount Laurel
Hyatt Place Boston/Medford
116 Riverside Ave, Medford
Homewood Suites Philadelphia/Mt Laurel
1422 Nixon Dr, Mount Laurel
Hôtel Resort
Wylie Inn and Conference Center at Endicott College
295 Hale St, Beverly
Best Western Bordentown Inn
1068 Route 206, Bordentown
Hotel ML
915 RT-73, Mount Laurel
Candlewood Suites Bordentown-Trenton
200 Rising Sun Road, Bordentown
SpringHill Suites Mount Laurel
5000 Midlantic Drive, Mount Laurel
Hôtel Resort
La Quinta Inn & Suites Mt. Laurel - Philadelphia
5000 Clover Road, Mount Laurel
Hôtel, Inn
W Xyz Lounge Aloft Hotel
558 Fellowship Rd, Mount Laurel
Hôtel et Logement
Courtyard by Marriott Mt. Laurel Cherry Hill
1000 Century Parkway, Mount Laurel
Hilton Garden Inn Mount Laurel
4000 Atrium Way, Mount Laurel
Quality Inn Joint Base Mcguire Dix Lakehurst
21 Wrightstown Cookstown Rd, Cookstown
Hôtel Resort, Inn
TownePlace Suites by Marriott Mt. Laurel
450 Century Parkway, Mount Laurel
Red Roof Inn
603 Fellowship Rd, Mount Laurel
Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott Mt. Laurel
350 Century Pkwy, Mount Laurel
Agents immobilier proche

Vérifiez également ce Agents immobilier à proximité:

Anthony Pepe at Re/Max 1st Choice
12 Trenton Rd, Browns Mills
Agent Immobilier
Browns Mills Arms Apartments
386 Lakehurst Rd, Browns Mills
Service Immobilier
12 Trenton Rd, Browns Mills
Agent Immobilier
Jason Torres-Realtor at BHHS
1025 Briggs Rd. Suite 148, Mount Laurel
Agent Immobilier
Sarah & Associates, Keller Williams Realty
500 Cummings Ctr, Ste 1550, Beverly
Agent Immobilier, Service Immobilier
Santucci Real Estate Group
408 Swedesboro Rd, Mount Laurel
Agent Immobilier
The Young Group at Berkshire Hathaway HomeService Fox and Roach Realtors
123 Chester Ave, Moorestown
Agent Immobilier
Deedra Richardson-REALTOR
123 E Main Street, Moorestown
Agent Immobilier
The Walters Group LLC
1136 Route 73 South, Mount Laurel
Agent Immobilier
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Fox & Roach
1025 Briggs Road, Suite 148, Mount Laurel
Agent Immobilier, Service Immobilier
Wellington Place Apartments
34 Brainard Ave, Medford
Service Immobilier
TJ Lynch Realtor
100 Cummings Ctr, Ste 101K, Beverly
Agent Immobilier
Ines De La Cruz, Realtor
1000 Lincoln Dr E, Marlton
Agent Immobilier
Garden State Properties - Medford Real Estate
23 S. Main Street, Medford
Agent Immobilier
Richard Vincent - Keller Williams Commercial Realty
500 Cummings Ctr, Ste 1550, Beverly
Agent Immobilier
Sigmond Jazwiecki, Realtor
90 Old Marlton Pike W, Marlton
Agent Immobilier
Kimberly Kersey, Realtor
27 East Main Street, Moorestown
Agent Immobilier
Chris Martin Group
500 Cummings Center Suite 1550, Beverly
Agent Immobilier
South Jersey Life and Homes by ddseneca
9000 Lincoln Dr E,, Marlton
Agent Immobilier
Marti Toudy - Re/Max Main St. Realty
236 W Route 38, Ste 110, Moorestown
Agent Immobilier
Jarvid Cortes Realty
500 Cummings Ctr, Beverly
Agent Immobilier
Wendy Kreifels, The Kreifels Group/Keller Williams Realty
9000 E. Lincoln Drive, Marlton
Agent Immobilier
Lindsay Konos, Realtor
500 Cummings Ctr, Ste 1550, Beverly
Agent Immobilier
George Bittner
Suite 120 Two Greentree Centre 9000 Lincoln Drive East, Marlton
Agent Immobilier
Jessica Kritter - Real Estate Agent
73 North Street, Medford
Agent Immobilier
Salons de coiffure proche

Vérifiez également ce Salons de coiffure à proximité:

Ken's Family Barber Shop
35 Wrightstown Cookstown Rd, Cookstown
Salon de Coiffure, Salon de coiffure
Serenity in the City Salon and Spa
269 Middlesex Ave, Medford
Salon de coiffure
Tranquility Salon and Spa of NJ
1299 Route 38, Hainesport
Salon de coiffure, Salon de Manucure
Absolute Weave Works
1649 Route 38, Mount Holly
Salon de coiffure
Artistre Salon
1351 Route 38, Hainesport
Salon de coiffure
Mowers Barber Shop
269 Cabot St, Beverly
Salon de Coiffure
Silvestro's Barber Shop & Shaving Parlor
418 Salem St, Medford
Salon de Coiffure, Salon de coiffure
Star Salon and Style
275 Mystic Ave, Medford
Salon de coiffure, Service de Soins de la Peau
Salon Rock Paper Scissors
7 Church St, Mount Holly
Salon de coiffure, Maquilleur
Simply Gents Barbering for Men
721 Rt. 70 West, Marlton
Salon de Coiffure, Salon de coiffure, Service de Soins de la Peau
Detangled Salon
461 Rte 38 West, Maple Shade
Service d'Épilation, Salon de coiffure, Service de Soins de la Peau
Moxie Blue Salon
501 Route 73 South, Marlton
Service d'Extensions de Cheveux, Salon de coiffure, Maquilleur
Flaunt Salon & Spa
125 Cabot St, Beverly
Salon de coiffure, Maquilleur
Stephanie's Hair Design
143 Cabot St, Beverly
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The Parlour Room
924 Route 73 North, Marlton
Salon de coiffure
LiShay Hair Design
70 Herrick St, Beverly
Magasin de Beauté, Salon de coiffure
Hair Cuttery
4364 Route 130, Willingboro
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The Lion's Mane Salon • Spa
17 E Main St, Marlton
Salon de coiffure, Salon de Manucure
Lotus Salon
36 W Route 70, Ste 212, Marlton
Salon de coiffure
Surf City Tans
21 N Maple Ave, Marlton
Salon de Bronzage
Shear Serenity
685 Stokes Rd, Medford
Salon de coiffure, Service de Soins de la Peau
The Total Look
670 Stokes Rd, Medford
Salon de coiffure, Salon de Manucure
Silver Scissors
Armory Plaza 1690 Route 38, Mount Holly
Salon de Coiffure, Salon de coiffure
The Barber's Edge
350 Rantoul St, Beverly
Salon de Coiffure
Sonya Salon & Spa
372 Farnsworth Ave, Bordentown
Salon de coiffure